New post-doc position opening
November 2018. Modeling of soap-film based membranes for artificial photosynthesis: Applications for a new post-doc position are welcome. Download details here.
New paper on PNAS
July 2017: A new algorithm for speeding up atomistic computations stems from a multidisciplinary collaboration with Princeton University, Yale University and the Max Planck Institute. Read more at (in Italian). News on (in Italian)
Interview at Radio24
October 2016: Dr Chiavazzo talks about the recent work on zeolite based membranes for water desalination. Listen to the interview (in Italian)...
Crowdfunding campaign: Started
October 2016: A new crowdfunding campaign, entitled Make Fuel from Sunlight and CO2, has been launched on an innovative concept for producing solar fuel. Please support us and donate even a few dollars at...
New Article
October 2016: Matteo Fasano, Pietro Asinari and Eliodoro Chiavazzo have coauthored the new article on Nature Communications entitled Interplay between hydrophilicity and surface barriers on water transport in zeolite membranes. This work stemmed from a long-lasting collaboration among the SMaLL lab at POLITO, the MIT Boston and University of Minnesota. Freely download the scientific article from...
New appointment
September 2016: Dr. Uktam R. Salomov, a former member of the Multi Scale Modeling Lab - SMaLL of Politecnico di Torino, has been appointed Rector of Andijan Machine-Building Institute, in Uzbekistan. Congratulations Uktam! More at...
New appointment
May 2016: Dr. Chiavazzo has been appointed Editor of Entropy, a leading interdisciplinary journal by MDPI. More at...
New initiative at POLITO
February 2016: A new initiative launched at Politecnico di Torino by Prof. Asinari and Dr. Chiavazzo: Students from five parallel courses will take part in a new scientific and technological competition. More at...
New appointment
February 2016: Dr. Chiavazzo has been appointed Editor of Scientific Reports, a leading multi-disciplinary Journal by Nature Publishing Group, in the category: Mathematical Physics, Thermodynamics and Nonlinear Dynamics. More at...
New facility installed
November 2015: A two axis sun tracking parabolic concentrator with 10 square meter collecting surface area has been installed at the SMaLL laboratory. This new facility will be used for research purposes in testing micro and nanotechnology solutions for innovative solar heating, thermal storage and water treatment.
New seed grant
November 2015: Our small factory with a project on cost effective solar driven desalination ranked first among several cleantech projects. Congratulations also to my colleagues Matteo Fasano and Pietro Asinari. Read more info here (in Italian)
New Article
Dr. Chiavazzo has coauthored the new article on Scientific Reports entitled Cave spiders choose optimal environmental factors with respect to the generated entropy when laying their cocoon. Here, optimal environmental conditions for female spiders to lay their cocoon are identified and results are interpreted in the light of a thermodynamic argument. Freely download the scientific article and supplementary data from...
Media Coverage
The recent work on Nature Communications entitled Scaling behaviour for the water transport in nanoconfined geometries has deserved a wide media coverage. See, for instance, the websites of: AlphaGalileo, NanoWerk, ANSA (in Italian), BIO News, Nanotechnology Now, ScienceDaily, Le Scienze (Italian Edition of Scientific American).
New Article
Dr. Chiavazzo has coauthored the new article on Nature Communications entitled Scaling behaviour for the water transport in nanoconfined geometries. Here, a dimensionless scaling parameter has been defined to fully describe the water mobility in various nanoconfined geometries. This has important implications in the design of innovative nanoconstructs useful in a range of applications from nanomedicine to energy. Freely download the scientific article from...
New Article
Dr. Chiavazzo has coauthored the new article on Advanced Functional Materials entitled Hierarchically Structured Magnetic Nanoconstructs with Enhanced Relaxivity and Cooperative Tumor Accumulation. Here, among other things, a remarkable boost in r2 MRI relaxivity is demonstrated by confinement of super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles within two different mesoporous structures... Read more at...
New Article
Dr. Chiavazzo has coauthored the new article entitled A sensor for direct measurement of small convective heat fluxes: Validation and application to micro-structured surfaces. Here, a sensor for measuring small convective heat flows from micro-structured surfaces is designed and tested. This sensor exploits the notion of thermal guard and is purposely designed to deal with metal samples made by additive manufacturing. Find more info at...
New Article
Dr. Chiavazzo has coauthored the new article entitled Rough surfaces with enhanced heat transfer for electronics cooling by direct metal laser sintering. Here, the roughness of several metal samples is engineered by using additive manufacturing and the corresponding thermal convective heat transfer performance experimentally assessed and theoretically interpreted. You can freely download the scientific article from here...
New Book published
Dr. Chiavazzo has coauthored the book An Introduction to Multiscale Modeling with Application. This book includes the teaching material that we have prepared for our courses on Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics and Multi-scale Modelling and Simulation of Molecular and Mesoscopic Dynamics offered at the Turin Polytechnic. Order it here...
Fellowship at Princeton
Dr. Chiavazzo has been awarded a research scholarship at Princeton University. Read more here...
MITOR grant awarded
Dr. Chiavazzo is co-recipient of a research grant in the framework of the MITOR Project/MISTI Global Seed Funds. MITOR is a collaboration between MIT (Boston, USA) and Politecnico di Torino. Read more here...
Research project awarded
The idea illustrated in Chiavazzo&Asinari Nanosc. Res. Lett. 2011 was funded in the frame of the prestigious FIRB program (Italian Ministry of Education) by a grant of approx. one Million euro. Read more here...
When you start on your journey to Ithaca,
then pray that the road is long,
full of adventure, full of knowledge.
Do not fear the Lestrygonians
and the Cyclopes and the angry Poseidon.
You will never meet such as these on your path,
if your thoughts remain lofty, if a fine emotion
touches your body and your spirit.
You will never meet the Lestrygonians,
the Cyclopes and the fierce Poseidon,
if you do not carry them within your soul,
if your soul does not raise them up before you.
Then pray that the road is long.
That the summer mornings are many,
that you will enter ports seen for the first time
with such pleasure, with such joy!
Stop at Phoenician markets,
and purchase fine merchandise,
mother-of-pearl and corals, amber and ebony,
and pleasurable perfumes of all kinds,
buy as many pleasurable perfumes as you can;
visit hosts of Egyptian cities,
to learn and learn from those who have knowledge.
Always keep Ithaca fixed in your mind.
To arrive there is your ultimate goal.
But do not hurry the voyage at all.
It is better to let it last for long years;
and even to anchor at the isle when you are old,
rich with all that you have gained on the way,
not expecting that Ithaca will offer you riches.
Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage.
Without her you would never have taken the road.
But she has nothing more to give you.
And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not defrauded you.
With the great wisdom you have gained, with so much experience,
you must surely have understood by then what Ithaca mean.
C. Cavafy (translated by Rae Dalven)